Morgan Read


Morgan joined chambers in 2014 having previously practised in New Zealand, where he continues to hold a practising certificate together with Australia. Morgan’s practice here has focused on public law with an emphasis on Immigration, Asylum, Family and Judicial Review. Morgan does not discriminate between clients and is happy to accept work directly from members of the public.

In 2022 Morgan was awarded a scholarship to attend the first post-Covid Advanced International Advocacy Course at Keble College, Oxford


Public Access Bar Association

Immigration Law Practitioners Association

Family Law Bar Association

Administrative Law Bar Association



Morgan represents appellants in the First-tier and Upper Tribunals in all areas of asylum, immigration, EU and nationality law. He is available for short notice applications for emergency injunction and appears regularly in judicial review proceedings in both the Upper Tribunal and High Court. He accepts instructions from throughout England and Wales.

Morgan accepts pro bono instruction from Bail for Immigration Detainees (BiD).

Family Law

Morgan’s represents clients at all levels of the family jurisidiction, both in the Family Court and the High Court. Morgan’s practice focusses on the rights of children to a relationship with both parents within an international context.

Administative Law

Morgan represents clients in judicial review proceedings in the High Court and appeals. Morgan’s work focuses on asylum and immigration law and he also accepts instructions in other areas of public law including benefits, housing and planning law.

Reported Cases

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Notable Cases

Hummayun v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014]
EWHC 2901 (Admin) (04 July 2014)
Javed v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2014]
UKAITUR IA339512013 (30 October 2014)
Prakash v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2015]
UKAITUR IA146512014 (9 February 2015)
Marufkhail v Secretary of State for the Home Department [2016]
UKAITUR AA108142014 (2 February 2016)
R (on the application of Wasif) v Secretary of State for the Home Department
(rule 34 – “print and send”) [2015] UKUT 270 (IAC) (30 April 2015)
Siddiqui v Secretary of State for the Home Department
C9/2017/1593 CA (10 December 2018)
R (on the application of AB) v UT
(IAC) C4/2019/2476 (C4/2019/2476) CA (10 December 2020)
quote marks

Personal Interests

Outside of work, Morgan spends his weekends walking the hills behind Huddersfield and maintaining various bits of machinery. He is a regular swimmer.